Stock Analyst Program

Produced with my team a report on Caterpillar Stock and recommend it through a power point presentation to the executive team of the McGill Investment Club (MIC) as an investing opportunity (March 2007). The MIC stock portfolio turnover is about once a year.

Business Readings

  • The "World is Flat" (by Thomas L.Friedman): currently
  • "Know-How" (by Ram Sharan)
  • "Good to Great" (by Jim Collins)
  • "Snakes in Suits" (by Dr. Paul Babiak, Robert D. Hare)
  • "A random walk down wall street" (by Burton Gordon. Malkiel)
  • "The Tipping Point" (by Gladwell, Malcolm)
  • "How to make friends and influence people" (by Dale Carnegie)
  • "The 48 laws of Power" (by Robert Greene)
  • "Think and Grow Rich" (by Napoleon Hill)
  • "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" (by Robert T. Kiyosaki)

Career Objectives

Acquire valuable professional expertise with a leading international institution and actively broaden my understanding of the specific industry of interest through results-driven teamwork to meet corporate and clients’ goals.

I am highly motivated, ambitious, driven by challenges, and as a result, I seek to take on a future leadership role.